Lund, Fisher, Merrifield Chess Sets
Thomas Lund had several occupations, but one of them was the manufacture of chess sets from the early 1800's until his death in 1843. William Lund, Thomas' son, continued to make sets throughout the rest of the 19th century, and is the most well-known of the manufacturers listed here.
Samuel Fisher sold similar sets. I think he retailed sets from other manufacturers (e.g. William Lund), yet he is also listed as an Ivory Turner in the mid-1860's, so in my opinion it is likely that he made chess sets himself.
George Merrifield was an ivory turner/worker from (circa) 1819 until his death in 1855. Merrifield's chessmen style was classic and identifiable; later, he manufactured the ill-fated "Philidor" style chessmen in 1850/1851.
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