Chess Books and Publications of the 19th Century

Click on any of the photos below for more detailed information on each book.

  Philidor book by Amateur 1804 Philidor - Studies of Chess - 1804 Hoyle's Games - 1800 Sarratt - A Treatise on the Game of Chess - 1808 Hoyle's Games Improved - 1808  
  Philidor - Studies of Chess - 1808 Chess Made Easy - 1802 Chess Made Easy - 1802 An Easy Introduction to the Game of Chess - 1806 Philidor - The Elements of Chess - 1805  
  Christie - An Inquiry into the Antient Greek Game... 1801 Christie - An Inquiry into the Antient Greek Game... 1801 Christie - An Inquiry into the Antient Greek Game... 1801 Montigny - Les Strategemes Des Echecs - 1801 Philidor - Studies of Chess - 1804  
  Sarratt - A Treatise on the Game of Chess, Vol. I - 1808 Sarratt - A Treatise on the Game of Chess, Vol. II - 1808 Philidor - The Elements of Chess - 1805      
  Philidor book 1817 Sarratt book 1813 Stopford - Practical Chess Grammar - 1818 Practical Chess Grammar 1818 Philidor book by Pohlman 1819  
  Stamma book 1819 Philidor - Studies Of Chess - 1814 Philidor - Studies of Chess, Volume 2 - 1814 Philidor - Studies of Chess - 1817 De Montigny - Stratagems of Chess - 1817  
  Stratagems of Chess - 1818 Sarratt - Works of Damaino, Ruy Lopez, and Salvio - 1818 Allgaier - Neue theoretisch-praktische Anweisung zum Schachspiele - 1811 Trevangadacharya Shastree - Essays on Chess - 1814 Lewis - Oriental Chess - 1817  
  Ponziani - Il Giuoco Incomparible Degli Scacchi - 1812 An Easy Introduction to the Game of Chess - 1816 Check - An Easy Guide to Chess - 1818 Stopford - Practical Chess Grammar - 1817 William Lewis - Oriental Chess - 1817  
  Sarratt - The Works of Gianutio and Gustavus Selenus - 1817 Philidor - De Kunst van Schaakspelspeelen - 1819 Hocquart - Elemens theoriques et pratiques du jeu des echets - 1810 Koch - Codex Der Schachspielkunst - 1813 Kenny - Practical Chess Grammar - 1818  
  Stamma - On The Game Of Chess - 1818          
  Lewis - The Game Of Chess - 1822 Philidor - Analyse de jeu de Echecs - 1821 Lewis - The Games of the Match at Chess Played by the London and Edinburgh Chess Clubs - 1828 Cruikshank - The King the avowed enemy of the Queen - 1820 Cochrane - Treatise on the Game of Chess - 1822  
  Bingham - The Incomparable Game of Chess - 1820 Marocco - Cesole 1493 Reprint - 1829 L’art de jouer et de gagner au jeu des echecs - 1828 The World Turned Upside Down; Or, No News and Strange News (woodcuts) - 1820 Gribble - A Military Game Resembling Chess - 1829  
  Nouvelle Notation des Parties et Coups d'Echecs - 1823          
  La Bourdonnais - Nouveau Traite du Jeu des Echecs - 1833 The Philidorian Magazine - 1837-38 K Enderlein, Theoretisch - Praktische Anweisung zum Vierschachspiele - 1837 Alexandre - Encyclopédie de Échecs - 1837 Penn - Maxims and Hints for Anglers and Chessplayers - 1833  
  La Bourdonnais - Nouveau Traite du Jeu des Echecs - 1833 Alexandre (A.L.H.L. Deschapelles) - Encyclopédie des Échecs - 1837 Walker - A Selection of Games at Chess - 1835 Moritz Retzsch - "The Game of Life or The Chess-Players" - 1837 Madden - Ancient Chess-men Discovered - 1832  
  Juego de Ajedrez - 1838 Cruikshank - Game Of Chess - 1835 Hoyle - Game of Chess with Chessboard and Men - 1830 Desroches - Trattato Elementare Giuoco del che contiene la marcia degli Scacchi - 1837 Massman - Geschichte des mittelalterischen vorzugsweise des Deutschen Schachspiels - 1839  
  Anonymous - The Chess Player's Handbook - 1839 Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries - 1836        
  Walker Treatise on Chess - 1841 Souvenir of the Bristol Chess Club 1845 Staunton's Chess Players Handbook - 1848 Littell chess article 1849 First Staunton Chess-Men advertisement 1849  
  Lewis - Chess for Beginners - 1846 Staunton - Chess Players Chronicle - 1842 Appleton - Chess Players Handbook - 1849 Chess Players Handbook 1849 Chess Player's Companion 1849  
  Staunton Chess Player's Companion 1849 Kenny - Manual of Chess 1847 Howard Staunton - Chess Players Handbook - 1848 Staunton - Chess Players Handbook 1848 Staunton - Chess Players Chronicle, vol III - 1843  
  Staunton - Chess Players Handbook - 1848 Staunton Handwritten Letter - 1847 Walker - The Chess Player - 1841 Jaenisch's Chess Preceptor 1847 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1843  
  Illustrated London News - 1843 through 1875 Vogt - Letters on Chess - 1848 Tomlinson - Amusements in Chess - 1845 Kling - The Chess Euclid - 1849 Lewis - Traite Jeu Des Echecs - 1846  
  Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1841 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1844 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1846 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1847 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1848  
  Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1849 Stanley - American Chess Magazine - 1846-1847 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1846 Walker - Chess Studies - 1844 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1841  
  Le Palamede French Chess Magazine - 1842-1847 Alexandre - Beauties of Chess - 1846 Le Palamede - 1845 Lewis - Chess For Beginners - 1846 Lewis - Treatise on the Game of Chess - 1844  
  la Bourdonnais - Nuevo Tratado del Juego de Ajedrez - 1843 Alexandre - Problemes d'échecs - 1846 Jaenisch - Analyse Nouvelle Ouvertures Jeu Des Echecs - 1842      
  Chess Players Textbook - 1850 Staunton - Chess Players Chronicle - 1851 Agnel - A Book of Chess - 1859 Chess Players Companion 1849 Signed 1857 Triumphs of Paul Morphy - 1859  
  Paul Morphy article ILN 1858 Agnel's Book of Chess - 1855 Fiske - First American Chess Congress - 1859 Edge - Exploits and Triumphs of Paul Morphy - 1859 Edge - Triumphs of Morphy - 1859  
  Stanley - Chess Players Instructor - 1859 Fiske - 1st American Chess Congress - 1857 Kling and Horwitz - Chess Studies; or Endings of Games - 1851 Kling and Horwitz - The Chess Player - 1852 DeWitt - The Chess Players - 1859  
  Boden - A popular introduction to the study and practice of chess - 1851 Jeu d'Echecs - 1855 Williams - Horae Divanianae - 1852 von der Lasa - Leitfaden für Schachspieler - 1857 Heideloff Chess Prints - 1851  
  Figgins - The Game of Chesse by William Caxton - 1855 Walker - Chess and Chess Players - 1850 The Chess Handbook - 1859 Bilguer - Handbuch Des Schachspiel - 1852 John Everett Millais - Chess Sketch - circa 1850  
  Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1853 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1855 Staunton - Chess Player's Chronicle - 1850 Preti - Traite Au Jeu Des Echecs - 1858 Frere - Chess Handbook - 1858  
  Howard Staunton Handwritten Letter - 1852 Tomlinson - Chess Player's Annual for 1856 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society - 1851 Indian "Magic Knight's Tour" Silk, 1852 Staunton Handwritten Letter - 1857  
  Bulletin of the American Chess Association - 1858 Paul Morphy - New York Ledger Columns, 1859-1860 Morphy Blindfold Exhibition - Daily Evening Bulletin - 1859 Williams - Horae Divanianae - 1852 Testimonial to Paul Morphy, 1859  
  Paul Morphy Handwritten Letter - 1859 Staunton - Chess Players Chronicle - 1854        
  Pardon - A Handbook of Chess 1862 Waifs and Strays 1862 Staunton - Chess Praxis - 1860 Hoyle's Games Book - 1868 Marache's Manual of Chess - 1866  
  Hazeltine - Brevity and Brilliancy in Chess - 1866 Lewis - Chess Board Companion - 1860 Pardon - Beeton's Handy Book of Games - 1860 Forbes - History of Chess - 1860 Ludus Scacchiae Reprint - 1869  
  The Chess Player's Magazine - Volume 1 - 1863 The Chess Player's Magazine - Volume 2 - 1864 The Chess Congress of 1862, London The Chess Players Magazine - 1865 The Household Chess Magazine - 1865  
  Forbes - History of Chess - 1860 George Allen - Life of Philidor - 1863 De Riviere - Jeu Des Echecs - 1860 Staunton - Chess Praxis, 1860 - signed by Bobby Fischer J.B. of Bridport - Chess Problems - 1865  
  Staunton's Chess Praxis 1860 - formerly owned by Paul Morphy - 1860 Staunton - Chess Players Handbook - 1866 Staunton - The Chess World - 1868 Staunton - Chess Players Chronicle - 1860    
  Bird - The Chess Openings - 1878 Wormald - Chess Openings - 1875 Cook - Synopsis Of Chess Openings - 1876 Staunton - The Chess Tournament - 1873 Portius - Katechismus der Schachspielkunst - 1879  
  Second American Chess Congress - 1871 Long - Positions In The Chess Openings - 1874 Third American Chess Congress - 1874 Fourth American Chess Congress - 1876 Catalog of the George Allen Chess Book Collection - 1878  
  Van der Linde - Geschichte und Litteratur des Schach-spiels - 1874 City of London Chess Magazine - 1874-1876 Staunton - The Chess Touranment - 1873 Huddersfield College Magazine, vols. 1-6, 1872-1878 John Augustus Miles - Chess Gems - 1878  
  Ranken - Chess Players Chronicle - 1877-1880 Skipworth - Chess Players Chronicle - 1870-1871 Illustrated London News Chess Columns - 1875-1881      
  Bird - The Chess Openings - 1880 Horwitz - Chess Studies and End-games - 1884 Gossip - Chess Players Textbook - 1889 Morphy book by Lowenthal 1886 Mr. Blackburne's Games At Chess - 1899  
  The Chess Primer 1887 Bird - Modern Chess - 1885 Zukertort and Hoffer - Modern Chess Monthly - 1881 Cook - Synopsis of the Chess Openings - 1888 Staunton -  Chess Players Handbook - 1884  
  International Chess Magazine - 1889-1890 Chess Players Annual Club Directory - 1882 Steinitz - International Chess Magazine, Vol. 1 - 1885 Gilberg - Fifth American Chess Congress - 1881 Kling & Horwitz - Chess Studies and Endgames - 1889  
  Steinitz - International Chess Magazine, Volumes 3 and 4 - 1887/1888 Steinitz - International Chess Magazine - 1886 Steinitz - International Chess Magazine - 1889 Brentano's Chess Monthly Magazine - 1882 London International Chess Tournament - 1883  
  George Verney - Four Handed Chess - 1881 Cavendish - The Pictorial Guide to Chess - 1886 Pearson - One Hundred Chess Problems - 1883 Hoffer and Zukertort - Chess Monthly - Vols 7-16 (1885-1894) London International Chess Tournament - 1883  
  British Chess Magazine - 1886 to 1890 and 1912 to 1921 British Chess Magazine Annual Volumes, 1897-1909 MacDonnell - Chess-Life Pictures - 1883 Verney - Chess Eccentricities - 1885 H.W. Hawks' Notebook with over 100 Autographs of Top Historical Chessplayers  
  Morgan - Chess Players Chronicle - 1881-1886          
  Green - Chess - 1890 Marache's Manual of Chess - 1890 The Hastings Chess Tournament 1895 Gossip - Chess Pocket Manual - 1899 The Chess Openings by Gunsberg 1896  
  Gossip - The Chess Players Vade Mecum - 1891 Freeborough - Chess Endings - 1891 Steinitz - Modern Chess Instructor - 1892 Staunton - Chess Players Companion - 1892 Harry Nelson Pillsbury Autograph - 1899  
  Cunnington - Modern Chess Primer - 1899 Philidor - Anilise de Juego de Ajedrez - 1898 Hastings Chess Tournament 1895 The American Chess Code - 1897 Alfred Binet - Das Gedächtnis der Schachspieler - 1896  
  American Chess Magazine - 1897 - Vols I, II, III American Chess Magazine - 1898 and 1899 Greenwell - Chess Exemplified - 1890 Edgar - The Liverpool Chess Club, 1837-1893 Steinitz - Sixth American Chess Congress - 1891  
  International Cable Match - 1899 Newnes - "Conditions of the Anglo American Chess Trophy" - 1896 Steinitz - International Chess Magazine, Volume 6 - 1890 Bird - Chess History and Reminisces - 1893 Steinitz - International Chess Magazine - 1890  
  Vazquez - El Ajedrez De Memoria - 1895 Vienna Tournament - 1898 London International Chess Congress - 1899 Binet - Grands Calculateurs et Joueurs d'Echecs - 1894 Reichhelm - Chess in Philadelphia - 1898  
  Falkener - Games Ancient and Oriental - 1892 Bird - Chess Novelties - 1895  
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